Optimize your CMMS with relevant indicators !

CMMS software helps you in the every day management of your maintenance, provided you have the right performance indicators to improve the efficiency of your service.

To define a maintenance policy, determine priorities, and define a budget, it is necessary to be able to choose the most appropriate means of interventions.


An indicator is an assessment tool by which a result, an evolution or a situation can be measured. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) allow you to build a dashboard with database queries concerning statistics, alerts, etc, and measure success rate or accountability.

In a maintenance department, indicators are important for accurate monitoring and optimal performance. We’ll say it again: the more the production tool is kept in good working order, the fewer the expenses.

The CMMS software, for example, can monitor indicators such as the average time until the maintenance of a machine, the Mean Time To Restart (MTTR), the Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF), the completion rate of preventive tasks, the availability rate, the responsiveness rate, the ratio training hours/hours worked, or even the monitoring of safety rules and preventive plan compliance.


CMMS software offers a large number of indicators. To choose which ones will be really useful and to build your dashboard, your choice must be thought through and constructed to meet the specific needs of your business or State Government Office.

Do do so, it is important, at the outset of the project, to consider two key issues :

  • What indicators are needed ?
  • What is the purpose of setting up a CMMS ?

Even if the expectations vary, the results must meet the requirements of both ground-operators and management teams (Maintenance Management, General Management, Elected Officials…).

It is therefore necessary to identify the indicators that are really useful on a daily basis : knowing what equipment requires maintenance, what the regular preventive measures are, what statistics are really needed on an ongoing basis etc. The choice must be made in accordance with the indicators’ quality and relevance.

A good indicator must be :

  •  useful,
  •  reliable and accurate,
  •  relevant to the strategy and established objectives,
  •  easily understandable to the various users.

Depending on the analysis needs, an indicator will be defined for, more or less, a long period of time.

During the installation of your CMMS, the help of a support and project management team (read our article on this subject/link) will allow you to create your dashboard. The dashboard will then be used to monitor and analyze the collected data. There are no reliable indicators without well thought-out data parameters !


Indicators allow you to be more responsive to results, and therefore more efficient. They are decision-making support tools that improve the maintenance of equipment and avoid interruptions, for example, in production.

They are a concrete response to the objectives defined by Management and they allow for accountability and reporting to different Service Departments.

Maintenance Services often have a lot of data but, often, little or no statistics. By setting up a CMMS and indicators, it is possible to notice flaws, for example, a technician that does not do any data entry, or conversely, one that inputs too much. Indicators make it possible to measure service performance, but to also see the differences between what should be and the actual circumstances.

Indicators are visual-management tools that enhance the work done by the maintenance departments or technical services of a State Government Office.

Monitoring indicators is important as it can have an impact on financial and managerial benefits.



How is MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) calculated ?

This is a statistical notion that calculates the average time between failures, on a machine for example.

MTBF = sum of operational time / number of failures

Its value is defined in a given use and environment. The less the machine is used, the higher the MTBF will be, and vice versa.



It is important to understand that it is better to start with few indicators, but ones that are relevant. The ideal solution is to be able to adapt them to your specific needs. This is the case for TRIBOFILM’s CMMS software, MAINTI4® !

Our Functionality Experts are here to help you choose and implement your indicators.

The goal is to optimize your organization and not the other way around !

Each job and each organization requires specific indicators, so it is necessary to correctly set your CMMS parameters right from the start.

Based on regular methodical work, the KPIs allow you to acquire the knowledge stemming from the data produced, in order to be more efficient in your daily maintenance.

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