The 3 keys to a successful CMMS deployment !


Deeply reflecting on the company and its needs precedes investing in a CMMS.

The deployment, ensured by the Publisher, is a phase that requires attention.

Its stakes are :

  • to provide a stable solution that corresponds to expectations.
  • to support the users’ endorsement of the CMMS as a solution.

The support of the Publisher

Understanding the client’s business, the company’s vision and functioning by the Publisher is essential. Prior to deployment, the Publisher must have suggested essential features of the CMMS software depending on the objectives set by the client, for both Management and field technicians. He acts as a support counselor in the decisions that are to be made, taking into account that a non-adapted initial choice could compromise the success of the CMMS.

A deployment that is methodical and backed by a Publisher, limits the risks of failure in the future use of the CMMS. By understanding the client’s issues, the Publisher will adapt the CMMS settings to the objectives set out.

The training phase is also extremely essential. With an attentive Publisher, training is adapted to the different profiles and issues within the company, so that the teams can easily take on the tool. In addition, the handover to a responsive and efficient Support Service guarantees an authentic transfer of skills and support to the teams.

This support is done over time through a schedule and deadlines to meet, in order to take into account changes, fresh training etc. (see our article on project management).

The Publisher must be clear, and offer the right solutions for the organization and Management relating to the implementation of the new tool. His past experience plays a vital role in the accomplishment of the project. The Publisher must also be able to suggest simplified processes.

Team Involvement

At the heart of deployment are humans and this mustn’t be neglected.

Whereas the CMMS is often chosen by Management or Heads of Services, the users are the operations technicians. Therefore their involvement is essential as soon as possible. Employees that are convinced and committed, will be a driving force in the deployment of the project and will be eager for solutions that will improve maintenance management and their everyday work on the field.

So that everyone can adapt, we must take into account their needs, ranging from the management team through to technicians, taking into account that everyone will have different functionality needs. Switching to a CMMS software often implies abandoning the use of spreadsheets or databases that have been utilized in the past. Being able to accept this change of methodology is therefore essential.

This may involve a step-by-step deployment plan, focusing initially on getting a hold of the main features. Once again, the Publisher must be a clear source of advice, and be considered as a real partner and not just a supplier.

Depending on the situation, designating a Project Manager or an Implementation Manager may be an asset. This referral person can then connect the needs of different users and can also facilitate communication.

The deployment of a CMMS requires time from the client and its teams in order to meet deadlines. That’s why a motivated and committed team will make all the difference.

The chosen CMMS and its adaptability

To maintain a CMMS in place, it must be able to evolve with the client’s growth and changes. It is likely that over the course of months or years to come, new developments or modules will be needed in order to continue using an effective and consistent system.

A mobile CMMS, easy to use, and configurable for each user in a few clicks, ensures quickly picking up its use. During the deployment phase, the more data will be retrieved quickly and be accessible on different medias – thanks to the import of files – the faster it will be to obtain performance indicators.

The TRIBOFILM team tip :

Choose the Saas (Software as a Service) mode in order to have an updated and upgradeable CMMS.
Accessible via the web, there is no onsite CMMS installation at the time of deployment and therefore it’s a time-saver for teams.

Simply setting up the CMMS will not be enough, it must also be maintained over time. Using the SaaS mode, the tool is manageable remotely, and the Publisher does the updates without moving from one place to another! This ensures having the most recent solution, along with its associated services if needed.

The TRIBOFILM team is committed on a daily basis to meeting all of these criteria in order to offer an optimal deployment for each of its customers.

For more than 25 years, we’ve believed that “everything that is simple is effective”! Attentive to the needs and objectives of each client, our CMMS MAINTI4.4® software has shown its ability to adapt to various sectors of activity.

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