Ensuring the safety control of children’s playgrounds with the use of a Technical Services Management Software !

For any government organization, or member of a Technical Service team, there are many different obligations and missions, especially around ensuring the safety of playgrounds, through regular checks and maintenance procedures.

In France, a government law states and defines safety obligations, to ensure that all playgrounds must be designed, implemented, managed and be well maintained so that no potential danger can present itself to a child’s health or safety, when the equipment is used as it should be.

The operations needed to meet these obligations can be complicated for the Technical Service teams, seeing as this means complying with strict regulations and so, requires rigorous organization and follow-up.

The law decree stipulates :

General follow-up and Maintenance :

  • a Follow-up Plan, as well as a Maintenance Plan, must be outlined and implemented for all playgrounds,
  •  regular checks must be carried out for all playgrounds and equipment within the playground,
  •  access must be prohibited to equipment that cannot comply with safety regulations,
  •  records must state plans and safety check results.

The following information must be clearly displayed for playground users (parents and children) :

  • The age group that each equipment is designed for ;
  •  Any warnings related to the use of particular equipment
  •  The contact details of the person/entity/organization responsible for the playground.

The following information must be made readily available to Control Services :

  • The layout plan for the playground
  • The maintenance and follow-up plan
  • The control and safety register
  • The contact details of equipment supplier
  • Any manuals/handbooks/documents that outline guidelines, use, maintenance and repair, instillation and official reports.
  • Certifications showing equipment compliance.

The added value of using adapted software for Maintenance Management :

An adapted Maintenance Management software not only facilitates the implementation of various tasks concerning the safety of playgrounds, but also provides a means of easily controlling safety checks for technical services.

All of the different playground sites are listed

The software lists all of the different playground sites that a local agency or organization is responsible for, and therefore provides :

  • a maintenance plan with specific alerts
  • an interventions schedule and programmed controls for the playgrounds

This means that each different playground is listed as well as all of its technical information, images, relevant documentation, control and safety reports and/or intervention reports…

A work tool that is adapted to on-the-field work and easy to use by safety and control technicians

Every single playground, as well as each equipment found within the playground, can be identified using Rfid chips or bar codes.

Working with a maintenance plan, predetermined by the Service Manager, the technicians can do their safety control routes using a smartphone or tablet.

Once on site, they simply need to scan the playground chip or bar code, as well as the chips or bar codes for each equipment.

For each individual equipment, the technicians must do an overall check and intervene on things such as the general state of the equipment (cleanliness, bolt tightness, paint touch-ups….). The technician can provide any information on anomalies and tasks carried out, directly on-site using his or her tablet and can then once again scan the bar code or chip to move onto the next equipment.

Once all of the equipment is checked and controlled, the technician can scan the chip or bar code found at the entrance of the playground, just like when coming in to start the maintenance and control procedures. It’s possible to check and make sure that every single equipment within the playground has been verified, so not only is it impossible to forget any safety checkpoints, but all of the anomalies and interventions are recorded in just a few scans.

The data related to tasks and operations and also to future interventions is centralized within the software. So it makes it really easy for the manager to then plan any subsequent operations that need to be carried out, such as changing spare parts or leveling out the ground etc.

Ensure maximum public safety and be easily accountable

In case of a control, and to bring more fluidity and ease to the organizations and individuals responsible for the playground, all of the relevant supporting documents are recorded straight within the software !

The Technical Services Management software, MAINTI4®, allows you to completely customize your equipment fleets, provide details and breakdowns of tasks to be carried out, tailor intervention routes, on-the-field data, and to edit the statistics generated from activity ! Contact us !

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